
The experiences infants have during the early months of life are crucial for healthy brain development. Lots of personal attention and interaction between our childhood educators and your infant will promote basic intellectual and social skills. Singing, reading, and talking are just some of the behaviors that support development during this critical stage.

At LKA your infant will have a day filled with learning, playing, and socializing to help him grow in every way possible.

The following is an example of age-appropriate social, emotional, physical, and intellectual skills, your child will learn in our Royal care.


  • Engage with others by expressing needs through babbling, gestures, and facial expressions.
  • Imitating teachers’ speech rhythms and inflections.
  • Interacting with picture books, puppets, and photo cards
  • Listening to stories, songs, rhymes, and finger plays.


  • Exploring the environment through the five senses.
  • Engaging with objects of different shapes, sizes, and textures.
  • Experimenting with concepts and spatial orientation and cause and effect.
  • Regular playtime including belly and music time, exploration, stimulation, as well as nap and feeding times that we keep consistent with your baby’s individual schedule.
  • Toys, gliders, cribs and changing stations are sanitized daily.


  • Engaging in sensitive, responsive interactions with highly attentive teachers.
  • Exploring self-expression through creative arts and play.


  • Lifting head, rolling from side to side and crawling.
  • Practicing standing and walking with direct support from attentive childhood education teachers.
  • Coordinating body movements through music and dance.

Infant Rooms:

We realize that caring for infants as young as four months of age is a tremendous responsibility and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our dedicated staff not only provides nurturing, age-appropriate stimulation, and lots of love, but they also provide a safe and hygienic environment for your little ones. LKA Daycare’s infant’s rooms are immaculately clean, colorful & well equipped. They are safe environments that are packed with age-appropriate toys and equipment. Your baby will be held, cuddled, and fed by our caregivers as soothing music, is played in the background.


Inside the infant room, your baby will have his/her own personal boxes/cabinet where clothing, bedding, food, and bottles can be stored away. We follow strict policies & procedure for diaper changing.

Important steps in the process included:

  • Changing tables that are disinfected after each individual diaper is changed.
  • Caregivers are required to wear gloves and place a specially designed sanitary paper on the changing pad before each baby’s diaper is changed.


Keeping this environment sanitized and disinfected is of the utmost importance and these procedures were put in place to ensure spotlessness and cleanliness. All staff is required to adhere to these procedures.

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